The Digital Kits program was launched on July 31, 2013 (English
only). Any LPs who had been trained to use the system and on-boarded
were given access to place orders on this date.
New Features
December 2017:
Documentation moved to a new repository
September 2017:
CCSI Entitlements
March 2017:
UI enhancements in Cisco eReader apps
November 2016:
Continuing Education (CE)
September 2016:
Added “Terms of Redemption”
July 2016:
Japanese support
June 2016:
Windows 10 and Microsoft Edge support
Change to LP Admin functionality: An LP Admin can no longer
reinstate a student kit (i.e., move it from ‘Revoked’ to
‘Redeemed’ status). To request a student kit to be
reinstated, please open a support case by going to:
May 2016:
Cisco eReader for Mac OS X
November 2015:
The Content Versioning feature allows Cisco Learning Network
Space to provide entitled students updates to select courses
without losing annotations. The Content Versioning Feature
Guide can be found here: Cisco Learning Network
Space – User Information